I actually finally got them hung up!
So you want to hang up a pole? Doesn't sound like a problem.
Why is there always a problem?

Well, it seemed easy. Just put up some hangers for the pole so I could hang curtains up to hide all the stuff in the closet and keep the light off my fabric. It started out easy. I drilled the holes for the first hanger and found longer screws and put it up. The hanger on the left side was a bear to hang. The drill wouldn't drill. Maybe hit a nail? Then one of the screws broke off. Then I had to pound nails in where the drill wouldn't work. Then I had to find a hammer and a piece of board to use to yank out the nail. There were lots of other problems that I won't bore you with. But, I finally got the pole up and the curtain hung. Window curtain photos tomorrow. I hope. (added: Nope. I decided, no curtain on the window!)
I'm still working on the curtains. See the green curtain on the table.
I'm trying to figure out whether I should cut off all the foo foo ruffles and make a curtain for the window, or use some other throws that I

have and cut them up and make some curtains?
Ah, I got a photo of the mouse pad I cut up to made a holder for my foot control for my sewing machine. I hate trying to find the control when it keeps sliding around on the floor. I read about someone doing this so when we found a mouse pad during Spring cleaning I thought I would try it out. Haven't been sewing so I don't know how it works.

The new rule around here is everyone is supposed to use this door to go in and out of the house... not the slider. There is a screen door you have to go through to get into this entry. The idea is to make it harder for the mosquitos, wasps, etc. to get into the house. I put a pillow on the hall tree for us to use as this is also supposed to be where we change from outside shoes/boots to inside footwear.
I collected 11 eggs today!
Hi Callie,
I love your hall tree - what a lovely piece....we have the same rule in our home about one door and removing outside shoes/boots. Doesn't always work but most of the time :)
Have a great day :)
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