Monday, December 07, 2009

Let It Snow!

Yesterday, snow started fairly light and by evening there were about three inches. The power went off, but then came back on line. I didn't expect very much out of this storm. But, this morning we woke up to this! I love it when it snows. It is so quiet and everything looks wonderful. I'm sure I would feel differently if I had to work or drive in snow and ice.
Kristine didn't drive out and try to get to class. The advisory said not to drive except in an emergency. Tom is going to drive her out to work and back tomorrow. It is tricky driving down the mountain and back especially at night when the roads are snowy and icy.

It was a great day to stay inside warm and cozy near the fire. The chickens are fine. They have divided up with about half roosting and half sacking out in the nest boxes. They could all get in nest boxes if they wanted. Morgan had a lot of fun. She jumps up and down in the snow when she runs.

Poor Kristine stepped off the end of the deck and took a header into the snow. Puff! The snow flew up and landed on her back. Good thing the snow is deep. I waited to go out and feed and water the chickens until Tom shoved a path from the house to the shed and coop. Give me a break. I'm old. Well, that's my excuse. And besides my boot has a tear in it. I would have stomped around in the snow, but I would have got a boot full of snow. I need new boots. No. First I will try the boot repair stuff and see if I can seal the tear.

The forecast says two days of hard freezes and then another snow storm. I feel very bad for the mandarin growers in the area. They have only harvested half their crop. I sure hope their crop and trees are not damaged.

[1 egg today]
One egg is better than no egg!


Chicken Boys said...

Wanna share? I want some snow. Everybody's getting some but us here in Eastern NC. Not fair!! :(

DayPhoto said...

I think our snow matches yours!

And I did shovel the snow this morning, but I wore Terry's boots!


Callie Brady said...

Chicken Boys: Hope you get some snow soon!

Callie Brady said...

DayPhoto: Good for you! I haven't done any shoveling yet. Some boots are better than no boots!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

The snow looks so beautiful.. Yepper a good day to stay inside and drink hot chocolate..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Callie Brady said...

Gus, Louie and Callie: Great idea! I made stew today and have it keeping warm on the wood stove. Hot cocoa sound good.

lisa said...

Callie, we are supposed to get 3-5 inches of snow tomorrow and ice and rain all in the same day. I love the snow if I don't have to travel in it. I hate it when we get any kind of accumilations because usually it happens during the week when the hubby is working and I have to do all the plowing!

Callie Brady said...

lisa: Sorry! Hope you don't get stuck with the plowing. I hate traveling in the snow too.