Sunday, September 06, 2009

Good Morning Chickens

I like to have our fresh eggs for breakfast and in this case I'm having a veggie scramble. Depending on what I have around I will heat olive oil in the pan and make a mix of onion, peppers, tomato, corn, potato, whatever and then beat up some eggs and pour it over and stir and cook. I usually have one yolk and three whites and toast. Yum!
Morgan is helping me let the chickens out of the coop in the morning.
Then I look for eggs.
Only three eggs this morning.

We are on a flyway, but I don't usually notice the planes because they fly very, very high. I didn't remember there was a plane passing until I watched the video.



lisa said...

Looks like a nice morning! I got up to clouds this morning! First ones for over a week!

Jennifer said...

Was your dog looking up at the plane in the video? What a cute dog! I wish we could have fresh eggs for breakfast but my husband decided this wasn't a good year to get chickens after all. Bummer!

Callie Brady said...

Jennifer: I watched the video again and I think Morgan was looking up in the trees for squirrels. The plane was behind Morgan and so far up that they are hard to see. She was looking away from the plane. I don't hear the planes in the house and don't usually notice them anymore when outside.