Kristine said it rained last night for three hours. Didn't wake me up. It might have rained, but the rain was light, because when I was raking I would rake up dry dirt. Oh well. I raked around the fence line and, as I came to dead branches I could reach, I would pull them off. This is a photo of a low dead scary branch that I yanked off.
See, scary branch is gone. My technique is to grab hold, both hands If I can reach, pull the branch sideways as I move around the tree, and scurry away when I hear the crack. I usually wear a hard hat that I picked up at a garage sale. Getting hit in the head with a large branch is no treat. This was a small branch, but some of them are like small trees. I will wait until we get a good rain and then I will go out with a ladder and saw and get the branches I can't reach.
Here is a piece of the fence line path with dirt and leaves raked up against the bottom of the fence. I need to do this to keep the rain from lowering the dirt side and making an opening under the fence for critters to use. The leaf covered side is higher than the dirt side. I wish I had realized this was going to happen and I would have left a leaf covered margin on my side. I will have to make one this year.
[3 eggs today]
That is awesome woods! How far is your neighbors from you? It looks so peaceful! I wish I didn't live on a main road! We would love to move our house back off the road but unfortunately that is way to expensive to do!
Lisa: Neighbors are on land surrounding us, but they are far enough away and behind trees, so you really have to look to see them. And some of the houses you have to walk to the fence line to be able to see them. Could you plant a row/stand of trees between your house and the road to give you some privacy?
Yes, we can and we have, but it will take some time to get tall enough! We do have 27.8 acres! But we would love to have more!
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