Who ever locked up the chickens the night before had unhooked the fence (I had put up a hook so it couldn't fall over again) and leaned it against the straw bale. The fence is in front of the door during the day to keep Morgan out of the coop and chicken pen so she doesn't eat the chicken feed. Morgan loves chicken feed. The buff must have gone behind the fence to scratch at the straw and then got caught and whoosh, bam, almost smashed chicken.
The first time the fence fell it was a wyandotte that almost got flattened. Kristine came to the rescue that time. She said the comb and wattles were turning blue. It's hard to believe that a chicken can push the fence over when they go through the opening between the slats. I guess I am going to have to put up a hook on the outside of the coop to hook the fence on when the door is shut.

Kristine brought home bags of fresh vegetables picked today from local gardens. She was gifted with this wonderful produce. We enjoyed fresh green beans for dinner and I sliced up the cucumbers and mixed them with wine vinegar, olive oil and a bit of salt.
I hope next year we will have a garden and produce that we can share.
Peek at the Past
(August 4, 2009)
[5 eggs today]
Nothing beats fresh vegies and free too. Sounds like you nearly had squashed chicken for dinner.
Hi Callie!! I'm still trying to get caught up after being gone for a few days and have enjoyed catching up on your news. I'm glad the chicken was okay! And I don't know how you do all that you do and blog at the same time! I guess I'm just a terrible manager of my time!
I hope the painting goes well and your "custom color" is enough to cover everything!
I also love being the recipient of veggies. I've also decided that it's good to support the local farmers instead of having my own garden--At least that's what I'm going with this year--The one farmer I've been buying from is only charging .75 cents a pound for tomatoes, etc., which I think (and hope) is pretty cheap...
Thats the way to get some good fresh veggies, nice daughter!!!
I know what you mean about painting. Sometimes it just depresses me. But it needs to be done. Doesn't mean I can't find something else to do though. ;)
Good luck!
I don't think I've ever seen a paint can with a screw on lid. Definitely neat. :)
Poor little chickens. They're just being curious. Wow about the paint. That sounds like a cool idea. We're thinking of painting the living room. We have chair rail, so we might paint the bottom part of the wall a little darker color. Fresh veggies are great aren't they? My garden (which I love) is such a pain. It's easy for the first couple of months, but by the end of June, early July, I don't have the time to deal with the weeds and grasses. It's all grown up now, weeds are nearly 3 feet tall. I usually give up on it all.
I love it when people share their produce.Our garden is not having a high production year. We do have some green beans, I canned 4 quarts of dilly beans.
It is amazing what chickens and dogs can get into. Hope your painting comes out alright.
I love the paint color and I completely agree with you on the screw top lids.
poor little chickens...they get up to all sorts!!
love the colour of the paint! xxx
Sure glad that chicken is ok...
Good luck with your paint. It does sound interesting...
mmmm fresh produce.. The cucumbers look so yummy and the mators.. Mom likes cutting up both of those and putting some Italian dressing on them.. Mmmm
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I'm glad the chicken was OK! What a lovely bunch of veggies! I know you enjoyed them.--Inger
The veggies sound great...ever tried a Balsamic vinegar? So good with olive oil. Sometimes we make a 'hodge-podge' with fresh (slightly cooked) veggies and mix it all up with a little cream! Either way, don't you love this time of year!
Poor chickie! Glad she wasn't hurt (other than her chicken pride). There is nothing like fresh veggies for dinner!
Happy painting!
Hope you get to have a garden next year too :)
I love catching up with your normality and daily news......
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