Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Day 64 - New Deck - Signs

Morgan has taken to guarding the property.
I bought this sign when I still had a doberman pinscher.

Kristine and I bought this sign because it made us laugh.
We saw this sign at a feed store
and for some reason we both thought it was so funny and started laughing.
Now it just makes me smile.

My favorite sign.
It is always good to have a reminder
to stop and smell the roses.

Old keep out sign.
This sign is from the days when this was my brother's property

30+ year old 4-H Member sign.
This is a sign from the good ol' days.
Brings back memories of ducks, rabbits, chickens, lambs, pigs and goats.

Sign of the times.
There is supposed to be a possibility of snow down to 2500 feet
today or tomorrow.
I'll be glad to see a freeze and storm show up and get all the leaves
out of the trees at once.

These stairs look a lot better in the daylight than they did last night.
I wonder if they are going to put a railing on this side of the stairs?
There are only a few more gates to build.
They are looking for some special latches for some gates.

I put the pumpkin in the coop to keep it out of the rain.
And snow?
Snow would be nice.


1 comment:

Tanya said...

I like your signs! The orange Four H sign would make a good quilt!