Sunday, November 04, 2012

Day 61 - New Deck - Dogs Pulling Carts

Update: The deck workers will be here in the morning!
How neat is that!

Open House!
That's what the lady said... come by if you can.

So, we said goodbye to Morgan and left her to guard the house.
Morgan was not happy.

We stopped on the way so I could buy some cookies to give to the hostess.

Lots of people.

And big dogs with big carts.

A new hand crafted cart that was a work of art and a birthday present.

Big dogs with little carts.

A little dog with a cart about as big as it is.

The dogs pulled their cart around the ring past and through fences
while following commands.

Here is a sweet little dog without a cart!

And the cutest puppy ever!
The black and tan/white marked dogs are Bernese Mountain Dogs.

On the way home...

we stopped so I could buy myself a hamburger and fries.
The grocery store has a pretty neat parking lot!
I took my hamburger home for dinner
but eating at the picnic tables is a lot of fun and the view is lovely.

Morgan was very glad to see us come home.
She thought we smelled great too.
But what she really wants is dinner.
She wasn't very happy laying down for a photo.
I wonder if Morgan would like a cart?

The chickens are fine but I forgot to give the hens their pumpkin.
I'll have to do that tomorrow.

Friday it is supposed to rain!
Oh, well...
at least there will be work on the deck for four days this week.
That's a good thing!


1 comment:

Ann Stanley said...

I like your little stories,not too many words, illustrated with photos.