4:00 a.m.
No rain. It was supposed to start raining.
Dark cloudy day.
I stayed in and read.
Didn't want to go out in the rain.
The rain that didn't show up.
Besides I was tired from yesterday.
4:45 p.m.
There is finally some drizzly rain!
No photos of the drizzly rain because it is too dark.
At least the camera thinks it's too dark
and the photos come out... too dark.
I did take a picture of the Buff Orpington
that stayed on a roost all day.
She didn't come out this morning, when all the other hens ran outside.
Either she is not feeling well
or the day is dark enough that she wants to sleep.
Hope she is OK.
I took the photo of the Australorp
tonight when I went out to lock up the coop.
I don't think she likes having a flash go off in her face.
"Get out of my face woman can't you see its past my bedtime?"
~ diane b
Wish I was feeling brighter and I could come up with a brilliant caption.
I think she is thinking something witty.
Since nothing much happened today
I thought I would record my
secret for the easy way I get my boots off.
I wear plastic bags over my socks!
See... there was enough rain to get my boots wet. |
Kristine came home with two new pillows last night
and asked if I wanted the plastic bags.
The bags are really big
but they'll work out very well
because I stuffed all the tall bits of the bag
in around the top
and that will keep leaves and debris
from falling in the boots
when I'm raking and hauling stuff around.
Beside, the plastic bag
makes it super easy to take off the boots!
No eggs.
Well, there could have been,
but I forgot to look when I locked up the coop
and it is cold and wet and
I don't want to put my boots back on and go look.
I just took them off.
I'll look later when I take Morgan out again.
I did look this afternoon.
Morgan is sleeping on Kristine's old pillows
while I type this.
I'd hate to wake her up just to go look for eggs
that most probably aren't there.
Sounds like a good excuse to me.