The other hens chase her away from any food she finds and generally keep her off by herself.
She has taken to staying on the porch by the slider in hopes I think of being first at any treats I toss out and also because she is out of the way of the bossy Wyandottes. Sometimes a Buff comes up and spends some time with her. I gave her some apple slices today.
One of the Wyandottes is molting! She looks so terrible. Hope the chickens manage to get through their molts before the cold weather begins. It is already starting to get cold at night.
Illinois University Extension has an informative web site full of questions and answers. Lots of things I didn't know.

I tried doing the sorting inside today and this is as far as I got before I had to quit. I don't know what it is but I can't seem to do this inside, but when I take the boxes out on the porch I can empty the boxes quickly. Strange but true.
Peek at the Past
Hope we don't get any fires this year.
(August 30, 2009)
[4 eggs today]
Lonely... is cute, poor girl getting picked on.
Poor Lonely! Just think how nice it will be to finally be done with all your sorting,you will be decluttered for the winter!
Poor chicken. Hope she's healthy.
Slow but sure wins the race. At least you're making headway. :)
when I was a kid I looked just like that fat little puddin
i love that movie!
They always look so funny when they're molting!
the clip is cute.
Doesn't it just break your heart when the chickens ostracize one like that? I love my chickens but have a real hard time dealing with how mean they can be sometimes.
Mother Nature is SO cruel!
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