Monday, March 02, 2009

Lid Chickens

This is the start of a Chicken Lid Pot Holder
that I began working on a few days ago.
I tried out putting colored beaks
on the chickens, but that didn't work out
and I had to take them off.
I would like to blame all my sewing problems
on my migraines.

It is raining and wind storming again.
The tops of the trees whip about in the rain and wind,
 then there is a calm for a few minutes
and they stand still as we wait for another storm blast to arrive.

The trees are so tall that the "weather," except for the rain,
happens up in the tree tops,
while down on the ground there is scarcely any wind. 
I hope the power doesn't go out.
There is a good chance of a tree going down
with all the wind bending the trees about.

Tonight I watched
Indiana Jones and the Legend of the Crystal Skull
on my Mac. It was OK, but not as good as the first three.


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