The warm sunshine has dried out the top layer of straw, mud, and pine branches in the chicken pen!
I was getting really tired of finding muddy eggs. These chickens came back in the pen to eat up the scratch.

Today I hauled lumber for the planter box I'm going to build in the greenhouse and stacked it by the shed so it will all be in one place when I start cutting it to size.
I cleaned all the junk out of the little greenhouse that my brother built. I took out the pavers where the planter box will sit. I'll use the pavers to make a path to the greenhouse.
I was going to try and build two planter boxes, but decided to just built one in the middle positioned so I can walk along the sides.
I think I may use the miter saw instead of the saber saw to cut the lumber. I'll see how strong I feel tomorrow. That miter saw is heavy.
My brother found a rattlesnake in the greenhouse once so I find myself looking around the space carefully. Between Morgan and the chickens I think the rattlesnakes don't find themselves welcome on the property.
The sprouts still haven't sprouted. Well, some of the lentils have split, so maybe they are going to sprout?
(March 16, 2009)
I am still eating mostly fresh food.
[6 eggs today]
Sounds like hard but rewarding work.
I never thought about snakes in the green house...make sense!I will look twice before going in my hot house now!
I would love to have a greenhouse one day, we have talked about it.
I got a wooden shipping crate from work that I brought home. I'm working on it...painting and putting in a plastic should turn out pretty nice!
A lovely greenhouse. I so wish I had one. Good for you.
I am NOT a big fan of snakes!! Actually, no fan at all!
I am pretty excited to start our garden this year. I'm just ready for the cold and drearyness to go away!
work does not stop at this time of year does it
Ya you will have veggies before long too. Mom sure hope she gets some. Last year we tried the hanging tomatoes and she got one tomato so hopefully this year will be better. Callie still thinks the garden is her play area. Not sure how many of the onions will make it. The garlic is looking awesome though. Dad has those in clay pots..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Rattle snakes in the greenhouse!!Makes my concerns about mice pale into insignificance.
snakes in the greenhouse? ewwwww! i'd expect them in the hen house, but what do they like in a greenhouse?
have a happy st. patty's day!
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