Thank you to all who left comments wishing our Buff Orpington a speedy recovery.
Kristine and I just checked the wounds on the hen and put on some more antibiotic. The wounds look to be in the healing process.
I cover the pen with plastic at night to keep her from drafts and to retain some body heat. The plastic has holes in it for ventilation.

Yesterday, before all the fox excitement I emptied the soil I sifted the other day out of the wagon and used it to fill pots in the greenhouse.
I have done some searching and found that the leaf compost I screened with the screen door was suitable for planting seeds not for a planter bed.
While I was moving the pots around I noticed that Morgan and some of the chickens were in their favorite warm spot on the side of the greenhouse.

By reading the search information I learned that fine screening will break down the composition of the soil that is needed to grow plants.
I liked watching this video of a lady showing how she gets her planter bed ready for planting.
I had no idea you could go out and rent a soil sifter. Amazing! Not going to do that either.
I found a piece of wire mesh that I am going to use to make a small soil sifter. And I hope to have enough of the mesh to make a chicken size door in the chicken's chain link pen so they can have access to the larger fenced pen next to them.
Peek at the Past
(March 22, 2009)
[7 eggs today]
The injured hen is still with us in her private pen.
Sprouts are still sprouting.
Blogger editor: I don't know what has happened to the new editor but I had to switch back to the old editor because the text was not wrapping and it was overlapping the photos.
I'm late hearing about the excitement. So glad to know that all the chickens are safe and that the one is on the mend. That is one frustrated fox! Good for Morgan helping out her chickens!
What a lucky escape your hen had! I wish mine had been so lucky. Hope she makes a full recovery.
We are sure glad that the chickens are doing ok too..
Sounds like you are doing another great job with the soil. Lots of screens to choose from. We like your idea the best..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Sorry, I haven't commented lately, Callie. I am glad that your hen is doing better. The soil sifter is a good idea.
i missed that post!!! oh im so sorry! i hate predator animals!!seriously.....so good to hear the little thing is doing better.
the soapnut giveaway ends friday, i dont know if you are interested, thought id let you know, thanks for always answering all my animal question:)
Glad your girl is doing well--But how could she not with the wonderful care you are giving her?? :-)))
Hi Callie ~ Glad to hear the Buff is doing o.k. , she's a lucky hen.
It's amazing what you can find on the net , I like that rotary sifter , although it's looks pretty primitive.
~ Spring Blessings ~
Glad chickie is healing well!
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