I love my happy chickens! We were all happy to have some time in the sun. I sprinkle scratch in this area for them, but not much because Morgan will try to lick it up. Bad dog.
Big fluffy chickens!

Today since the sun was out I woke up enough to actually get outside and carry some old cut wood that has been laying around for ten years or so. The wood is mostly pine and hasn't decayed very much. But it is full of water and heavy.

Tomorrow it is going to rain so I left the wood uncovered so it will get a good soak before I put on the next layer. I tried to keep a space between the boards and the logs so the wet logs won't help the boards decay.
I read that some people put down a layer of snow on the logs before they start layering. Hmmm... it might snow tomorrow?
I found a
discontinued blog that has some neat photos of hugelkultur beds compared to regular planting. Kinda neat to see how the bed works in real life in a home setting.
(March 7, 2009)
[6 eggs today]
Really neat I have never heard of these kinds of planting beds. Great idea.
I'm following with interest.
I am also following and interested in how well it does work! Have a good day!
Hi Callie ~ Thanks for sharing that blog , I'm so impressed with the hugelkultur cantaloupe bed pics , the difference was amazing. I going to redo the bed I put the chicken poop in a few weeks ago , it will become a hugelkultur bed. I plan to start on it this week , the weather is suppose to be really nice , so it will be a good time to put it together before planting time.
~ Many Blessings ~
Mom you are doing such a good job with your garden.. It look pretty cool...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Your planter looks like it is coming along. I'm glad it's you getting snow and not me. I had my one snow and ready to move on to spring. The blue coop was really cute.
Callie,You have the most interesting ideas on this blog! I had never heard of hugelkultur before, but I'm sure to use this method this year,I love it!
I had never heard of hugelkultur beds until reading your blog today. Fascinating!! I must read more.
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