4/28/10 - It hailed today so hard it looks like it snowed and now it is hailing again... thunder and lightning. Weather is weird. Chickens are ok. Kristine went back to the doctor and got antibiotics this time. I'm getting better... just want to sleep all the time.
Hope I will feel like reading blogs and writing a post soon. Hope everyone is healthy and enjoying Spring weather. Spring must be happening somewhere.
Thank you for all the good wishes!
4/19/10 - A nurse said it is the three week cold from the hot place and that 3 out of 5 people have it. Bad news. My throat has pretty much stopped hurting which is one improvement. I really don't want to itemize the rest. Kristine sounds like she has pneumonia. Snow is gone. Rain tomorrow. The Buff is back out with the other chickens. Thank you for checking in and leaving such great comments!
Quick update: 4/13/10
Still sick, weather bad, snow, rain, thunder/lightening, power outages. Will post again when I feel better. I know I'm sick because I don't want to read blogs or post. Kristine went to class today and missed part of it because she was coughing so much she had to leave. The Buff is healing. Thank you for all the kind words!

Three or four inches of snow.
The snow is already melting because of the rain.
I will add to this post when I'm feeling better.
hope you feel better soon, Callie *hugs*
I hope you feel better soon. I'm a bit under the weather today and it's 70 and sunny... It's awfully hard to stay in bed on days like this!
I sure hope the snow melts fast and you get to feeling better soon. I sure know how you are feeling! Take care of yourself, Callie.
Wow, look at the snow. It has been in the eighties the last several days. It is suppose ot cool off later this week. Sorry you are ill; hope you are feeling better now. Hope you had a good Easter, at least as well as could be expected when you are feeling bad.
Being sick in 'icky. Get to feeling better soon.
I'm sorry to hear that you're still not feeling well. Perhaps you should get checked by a doctor???
I hope the weather warms up and you're feeling better SOON!
Hope ya feel better soon!
The easter bunny brought you snow , that silly rabbit (LOL). Seriously though , hope you're feeling better soon.
~ Be Blessed ~
You must live in hell. I would be so sad if we got 4in of snow at this time of year. Hope you feel better soon.
Hi Callie!! I am late getting here but wanted to let you know that I hope that you're on the mend and feeling better--I hope your weather has gotten better too!! Take care!!
Yuck! I'll bet that stuff is heading our way as I write. I am more than tired of this very long winter.
I hope you feel better soon!
Hello Callie!
Lovely blog and I am ejoying reading up on all things chickens! I grew up on a farm and loved our chicken coop and all the little feather friends. We had bantams, cochins, brahmas, and a lovely Rhode Island Red named Gloria. Your blog reminds me to post more about my childhood stories on the farm. Thanks for the encouragement!
Emily @ Emily's Muse =)
Gosh you have a range of weather over there at the moment. Some places are hot and some still have snow. Sorry to hear you are unwell. Stay in bed until you and the weather improves.
Get better soon!
Hope you are feeling better! I sure am missing your posts!
Get well.. and have a good weekend!
Callie, take care, there are a couple of wicked virus' out roaming! I hope you feel better soon!I'm wishing you some sunny warm weather, SOON !! XOXO :)
Hope you perk up soon! C
no posts for a while u ok???
Hope you are feeling better soon, and the snow has melted!
Hope you're soon feeling better Callie, best wishes Kathy
I'm waaaay behind in my blog reading, so I hope you're better by now! I hope the snow is gone too.
Hi Callie ~ Glad to see an update , was getting worried about you. I do hope you're feeling better soon. Sending you " Healing Blessings " !!
~ Be Blessed My Friend "
sending you our spring weather....
Please feel better soon... Just looking at the snow made me feel sick....
Snow in April is bad news, just when you're expecting things to turn spring like, look after yourself, the sun will shine soon!
Where oh where are you? I miss your posts. I hope you are feeling ok, and just taking a little well-deserved break. I REALLY hope you're not so sick you can't blog. Be well. We'll all be here waiting!
Where oh where are you? I miss your posts. I hope you are feeling ok, and just taking a little well-deserved break. I REALLY hope you're not so sick you can't blog. Be well. We'll all be here waiting!
Sounds AWFUL! Hang in there and I hope everyone is back to good health soon.
Gosh, you've had quite a time of it, Callie. I've left several messages but none have gotten to you. This open ID thing doesn't seem to work for a .com. Here's hoping that you are out and about soon and experiencing the joy of digging in the dirt!
Feel better!!! So sorry to read your feeling poorly...
Missing you! Hope you feel better soon!
so glad the buff is back out with everyone else and your on the mend!
Sun is gonna have to shine sometime.
I swear by mega doses of vit c all winter - through elderberry tea and then combined with a bunch of other herby stuff in Airborne. Probably all in my head, but if you want me to send you some elderberry syrup, just in case there's something to it...let me know! Feel better soon.
I'm still in shock when I see your snow pictures. It's been the warmest April in recorded history around here!!
Is all the snow gone now? We sure hope you are feeling better...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Callie ~ I blopped over to check on you again , glad to hear the new update and that you're feeling a little better.
~ Be Blessed ~
Hi Callie,
Just checking in to see how you both are feeling. Thanks for the update and get well soon!
Hope you are feeling better and just really busy from being laid up son long.
Haven't heard anything from ya in a while. Hope all is well! I enjoy your posts so I hope you write again soon!
Hi Callie ~ Read your update , hope you're blogging soon , miss you.
~ Blessings ~
Thanks for the update - sending wishes and thoughts for the two of you to get better!
Hope you're all better soon. Supposed to be near 90 here on Sunday! Low 80's today! Got an above ground swimming pool set up! Come on over for margaritas and laying out by the pool!
sending my best wishes cal too!!! how are things?
miss your blogs
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