Saturday, May 04, 2013

More iPad Garden Photos

All the seeds are planted!
Some in containers... some in the gardens.
All the starter plants are planted!
And here are the photos I promised to post...

I'm publishing this from my iPad using Blogger.
Then I will open the post up on my Mac and add photo comments
and change the size of the photos.

I added a chair to the garden.
Seeds are planted in the little containers.
There are chickens out there.
The chickens would like to visit the garden.
This hen is in a hurry to join up with her sisters.
I'll post some photos of the little green garden tomorrow.
I think I will use my camera and post on my Mac.


1 comment:

Barbee' said...

Lovely! Oh, yes, a chair is important. Now you can rest while you survey your work results.