I was out in a light rain collecting eggs and taking photos. Morgan was having a ball and wouldn't come back in the house when I called. I decided I would check on her after I put the eggs away and see if she would come, but then I forgot she was out there. Bad me! She got soaked. Soaked but happy.
The little trench I dug is working quite well to divert a lot of water away from the chicken pen. Although the chickens don't seem to mind the rain since they stand in the pen unless there is heavy rain.
Kristine said she sees the hens on the ladder early in the morning when she is getting ready for work. The chickens are never on the ladder when I take a look. I think they can hear me opening the door and they hop off and gang up ready for the great escape when I open the coop. Well, when I used to let them out. Poor chickens.
I would like to think that the rain washes the chicken poo off of the leaves and that the mess drains away out of the coop since the coop is on a slight sloop. Well, it's a nice idea. The poo probably just sinks under the leaves and stays there.
The wood ash foot dryer entrance box thingy is working well. I only got one muddy eggs today. I was late putting the chicken feeders back in the coop so the feed got a little wet. I'm in hopes the chickens will eat all the wet feed today. I'll check tomorrow.
While typing up this post I had a glimmer of a memory of a recipe called
Muddy Chicken. I did a search and did find one recipe that is really just for browned steamed chicken. I think I will try this out because it will give me an excuse to use my dutch oven. I love mashed potatoes.
The new Google editor was acting up so I switched back to the old editor a few days ago. The photo on this post would not allow any text next to it... only above or below. So I looked at some HTML code on another of my posts that had text next to the photo and copied that code and replaced the code around this photo's code. Now it works! I would like to learn the new HTML but I need an editor. I know... I could still start learning the code, but it is much more fun to actually try the code out and see how it works..
(April 2, 2009)
Stew sounds good, but I made tacos tonight. The tacos were extra good because we had organic corn tortillas. Only trouble there wasn't enough so I had some lettuce tortillas. I used a large lettuce leaf in place of a tortilla. Pretty good. But, the organic corn tortillas were the best!
Kristine came home sick and has taken the day off tomorrow. Good move. I sure hope she is not getting some horrible cold. Working in the library she is exposed to lots of germs.
Chicken update: The top wound is almost healed and looks closed. The bottom wound is still open, but looks to be closing.
[7 eggs today]