Sunday, March 12, 2017

Raising Two Welsh Cardigan Corgis - Sunny Day

The deck has finally dried
off so the puppies
can run around.

Banner chasing Libby

Banner trying to get on swing.
Libby is sitting in the sunshine.

Libby and Banner
resting after all that running.
The puppies have so much
fun running around
and playing together.

Banner's baby tooth.
The puppies are teething
and dropping teeth.
Kristine heard this tooth
hit the floor.


Monday, March 06, 2017

Raising Two Welsh Cardigan Corgis

Time to quickly post some

The snow is back.

Libby sleeping after playing in the snow.

Banner sleeping after playing in the snow.

Wow... it has been at least 10 days
since I last posted.

But no more counting of days.

I think I will stick to counting time
by months.
We got the puppies the end
of December (12/30/16.)

It was rather nice
keeping track of how
long they have been with us.

Busy with puppies.
Just like babies
puppies demand more time
and attention as they
grow older.
